Saturday night I returned to the Providence Riverwalk Bridge to photograph sunset. The new pedestrian bridge was loaded with people having a great time. Families and dog walkers, couples out for a walk, and photographers looking to shoot the sunset. Two Providence Police Officers were located at the entrance to the walkway to keep the scooters and bicyclists from riding into the crowds. There was a small musical group playing on the patio and everyone was having a great time.
The attraction was bringing more people into downtown Providence to eat at the restaurants and shop at the mall.
Several people were asking about the restaurants and pubs in the area. Visitors from out of town are great for the economy of the City.
This addition can only add to the appeal of Waterfire and
other cultural events. This will bring in more visitors and money into the State.
The following images were captured showing the crowds and the beauty of the Bridge. I will definitely return as the rest of the area is opened up.


Thanks to my best friend Mags I was awoken at 4 am to take her out. I was greeted by clear crisp air so we decided to take a trip to the new Riverwalk in Providence. I loaded up and made a quick stop at DD for both of us.
The new Riverwalk Bridge has been the talk on the news since it opened last week and I have to say it was impressive. The area of S. Water St. is lined with restaurants and a greenway. The sky was just starting to brighten, but the Bridge lighting was still visible. We stayed and shot until 7 am to catch the sunrise The area was being utilized by walker, runners, and dog walkers. We enjoyed starting our Saturday like this.


On Monday night I arrived at work to find out that I wasn’t needed. Thanks to Amy S I took a vacation day and travelled up to Portsmouth New Hampshire to do some night shooting. 
The city is beautiful at night and was very busy. I wanted to get some images of the new Memorial Bridge. I went over to Pierce Island and Four Tree Park and found a great view of the Bridge as well as the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. I spent a couple of hours moving and shooting. 
Then I went downtown and found some areas that were interesting. The hour was getting late as I continued to move from one area to another and the police officer on patrol was starting to become concerned. 
I finished up at a little area of sidewalk picnic areas and small restaurants. It was a night well spent.


I wanted to photograph the Mt. Hope Bridge in Bristol in its Fourth of July splendor. Friday morning I went down around 4.00am and explored both sides of the Bridge. I decided to shoot from a spot on the Warren RI side. The DOT workers were taking down the giant American Flag from the center pillar as I went past but the Bridge looked great in its Red, White, and Blue necklace lights. The air was very still and the mosquitos were out in force. I spayed myself down and set up. I was shooting away trying different angles and compositions when I looked over my shoulder.

Remembering the mantra from my mentor Don Toothaker always look behind you. I saw a foggy sunrise beginning to develop. I moved over to the old pier and starting shooting the sky and surrounding landscape.I was going back and forth as the sunrise developed and the sky turned pick and orange all around me. I tried to show how beautiful and still the scene presented itself to me. I was joined on the pier by two fisherman who were determined to try their luck.It was a great start to a great day.

Maudslay Park Fall Workshop

On a rainy Saturday afternoon, I participated in a photo walk through Maudslay State Park in Newbury, MA.
It was overcast and drizzling, but our enthusiasm was never dampened. The foliage was not yet fully turned, but the vistas were impressive. After a three hour walk I was wet, but managed to capture several images, which I would like to share.