Twilight on the Blackstone

On August 26th the Downtown Woonsocket Collaborative held their annual fundraising dinner Twilight of the Blackstone. The Court Street Bridge was closed down and approximately 200 people attended .

Dinner was provided by Chef Michael Heroux a four course delight; Ciro’s Tavern supplied the beverages, setting up a bar on the Bridge; dessert was created by Donnell’s Bakery; music was provided by No Exit Four.

Dinner and dancing continued through the sunset and evening. Everyone who attended had a wonderful time. Here are some of the images of the event

AAU Basketball

During the spring I began following my neighbor’s son Jackson, who was playing AAU basketball. I went to a lot of his H.S. Freshman games and I wanted to see how he did in a different environment. As the season wore on he became progressively better and better. The games were fun to watch and Jackson was even named Player of the Game on one occasion. AAU season is starting up again and I will be in the stands taking photographs of the action. I am looking forward to seeing Jackson make his way onto the H.S. JV team. Here are some of the images I captured.

Levitt Amp Woonsocket Concert Series

For the past two years I have been a volunteer photographer for the Levitt Amp Concerts and NeighborWorks of the Blackstone Valley. I have regularly posted my work and impressions on Face Book and have ignored using my website.

For the next few weeks I plan to share my work on my site. It may take me a while to catch up, but it will be worth it. I have a series of images to share from the concerts I have photographed. I will at a later date share specific concerts and performers.

I hope to continue to post my work for everyone to enjoy.


Today I travelled to Foxboro MA at Patriot Place. The usual Memorial Day displays have been cancelled due to the Pandemic I generally travel to Boston to photograph the Commons and to Newport RI to Boot on the Ground. Volunteers planted 2,552 flags, honoring all of the men and women from Foxboro that have lost their lives defending the country since the Revolutionary War. It was a great tribute and well worth the trip. Happy Memorial Day.


A day in the life of a gentlemen farmer and his wife.
On Thursday I went to shoot sunrise at my friends Brian and Connie Rose. They have created a great farm in just a few years. The Rose Farm has chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, and guinea hens. Each has a name. They also rescued a horse River and her companion Jenny. Then there are Tango and Cash the tow burros. The group is rounded out by goats and sheep as well as a couple of dogs and cats.

When I arrived just before six am. Brian was up and had made me tea to get me started. It was an unexpected treat, but that is the way Brian works.
I made my way around the Farm shooting the moon disappearing behind the trees along the Moosup River.
The animals were all quietly waiting for the appearance of the gentleman farmer who would begin the task of feeding
and watering them.
As Brian made his appearance the yard came alive, with the horse and burros baying and the chickens crowing. As he made his way around the coops and enclosures Brian called all the animals by name and they responded.
Connie came out to help and went to visit River and Jenny to give them their morning treats. It was still dark and cold
even though the sun had begun to show on the horizon.
Finally the sun broke through and the official day had begun. Another day in the life of the Rose Farm.